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A community to facilitate collaboration among doulas, educators, and healthcare professionals such that we can optimize the accessibility of respectful, evidence-informed, and supportive care from doulas as well as the healthcare system.


Note: doulas are not medical professionals but happily work alongside midwives like the one pictured above in a non-medical role.


The Doula Association of Alberta exists to advocate, resource, and unify doulas within

the province of Alberta.


We will achieve this by using a common voice to advocate for all members. We will resource members with up to date evidenced based information and 

education opportunities. To recognize the diversity among doulas, we unify our members through a universal commitment to uphold all statements set forth within our Standards of Practice and Ethics while also supporting and facilitating relationships amongst members of the Doula Association of Alberta and the larger birth community.



Integrity- Demonstrating honest, transparent, respectful communication. Abiding by our standards of practice at all times.


Community- Offering and creating a space where members feel safe, heard and respected.


Respect- Honouring and embracing diversity.


Excellence- Adhering to high ethical and professional standards.


Professional Development- Providing  training opportunities that support professional growth with the goal of ensuring that our members are equipped with the most current evidence-based information.


We acknowledge that we are on traditional territories in Alberta of the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit people whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries. We respect the histories, languages and cultures of First Nations, Métis, Inuit and all First Peoples of Canada whose presence continues to enrich our community. We recognize the land as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to those whose territory we reside on or are visiting. We acknowledge the history of birth on these lands where First Nations, Métis and Inuit people were the first birth protectors.

© 2021 by Doula Association of Alberta.

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